Singapore Art Week 2021

Singapore Art Week 2021 #SAW2021 celebrate visual arts and the 9th edition took place from 22 to 30 January 2021.  There were many events such as the 7th Singapore International Photography Festival (SIPF), #NEVERBEFORESG by The National Museum of Singapore, Aisha Rosli: Black Eye Solo Exhibition at Cuturi Gallery, All Things New at the Esplanade, S.E.A. Focus 2021 and so many more.

What was exciting for us was the increased representation of millennial artists during this edition of #SAW2021.  Perhaps it was the pandemic but it is so refreshing that #SAW2021 became a bigger stage for the young artists to be seen and heard. Amazing!

We also discovered a young ceramist by the name of Shao Qi, whose works were shown at Gajah Gallery, Ceramic Expressions at The Substation and Singapore Ceramics Now at Gillman Barracks.  We were fascinated by the many pieces showcased that highlighted the ephemeral qualities of nature. Beautiful, intricate and poignant. 

CosmicWander: Expedition by Choy Ka Fai had us intrigued as well as it documented the various shamanistic dance cultures in Asia. The manner in which the video installation was presented was fantastic!  

Another highlight was to have the opportunity to speak and visit Sim Chi Yin’s residency at Gillman Barrack by NTU Centre for Contemporary Art. She is a Magnum Photos nominee member and for a Singaporean to achieve this milestone is so inspiring for the next generation of documentarians and story tellers. 

Finally, we are also gratified to have the opportunity to photograph the exhibits for The Inaugural ‘Singapore Ceramics Now 2021 (SCN) exhibition in Gillman Barracks which aims to make its mark as a visionary platform of contemporary ceramics that surveys the work of 19 Singapore-based artists. SCN is founded and led by Artistic Director, Jason Lim, a renowned Singaporean ceramicist and performance artist, and curated in partnership with SEED the Art Spac.  The exhibition is on-going till 13 Feb 2021 and details can be found here: