Christmas is perhaps like any other day for me and I am not a big fan of showing love and care by buying presents for family and friends for the season. I rather not received gifts as well. Showing love, care and concern for all should be a daily affair, isn’t it?
When I was much younger, the festive was a stressful one. I kept asking myself what gifts to buy, would they like the gifts……thus in a distant year, faded from my memories, I stopped buying gifts! I was bombarded with questions from the receivers. Are you in financial trouble? Are you suffering from stress? Did I offend you? Thankfully, most of them accepted my reasons for the decision.
I am not against how commercialization of Christmas, it is about appreciating the true meaning of Christmas. I wanted to focus on the other values in life and this is more so when we are in the midst of a pandemic / endemic.
The relationship and support built over the years through interactions, during Christmas and every other occasion has also allow us to remain steadfast and balance during this period of Covid. It has also reaffirmed that beyond materiality, the strength provided by strong relations is very important to cope with the challenges brought about my COVID.
I am also thankful to clients, associates and partners who have stayed with us from our early days as a co-operative to today’s status as a pte ltd. The trust that you have given us, inspires me and my team to strive our very best for you.
Have a Joyous Christmas season everyone!